3rd Edition of Annotated Mona Lisa published with new chapter; new edition (2018) of Annotated Arch and print book of The Eagle and the Swan 2019

"Sex and the City Meets I, Claudius"

Maximizing eBook technology with more than 100 interactive, color images of beloved paintings + engaging text, Impressionism: A Legacy of Light sets a new standard for visual art on the web or in tablet format. Available from iBooks for iPad or from the publisher's website to download on a personal computer, the enhanced eBook is like a digital docent leading a guided tour of a once controversial, now revered movement.
Carol Strickland is a freelance writer and correspondent on art, architecture, and culture for Alta magazine, Art in America, Christian Science Monitor, and www.clydefitchreport.com. Her two books on art and architecture, The Annotated Mona Lisa: A Crash Course in Art History from Prehistoric to the Present and The Annotated Arch: A Crash Course in the History of Architecture, were both Book of the Month Club selections. They've been printed in many translations. The Annotated Mona Lisa has been published in an updated 3rd edition, having sold more than 400,000 copies, and is frequently listed as a best-seller on amazon.com. Other recent books include: The Illustrated Timeline of Art History, The Illustrated Timeline of Western Literature, Aris Kalaizis: Rubbacord, Making Sky, and Paul Waldman: Eros, Art, and Magic. Strickland has published two enhanced eBooks through Erudition Digital of London: The Eagle and the Swan, a historical novel, and Impressionism: A Legacy of Light. Echo Point Books released The Eagle and the Swan as a paperback in 2019, as well as a second printing of The Annotated Arch, which sold out its first printing.
She has contributed scores of feature stories on the arts, film, literature, and theater to The New York Times, as well as publications like Art in America magazine, Christian Science Monitor, The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune and magazines like Alta, Art & Antiques, The Nation, Civilization, American Theater, Garden Design, and Downbeat. Strickland's monthly column on art and politics appears at http://www.clydefitchreport.com.
She has a Ph.D. in Literature from the University of Michigan. Strickland is a former college professor, having worked most recently at Stony Brook University. Her film scripts have been produced as documentaries and broadcast on cable television, as well as used in college curricula. Her feature-film screenplays have won prizes in national script competitions. Strickland lives and works in Long Island and New York City.
Masterpieces of Art, Annotated Mona Lisa, Annotated Arch, and The Eagle and the Swan have facebook pages with updates. Strickland contributes reflections on current culture via twitter (@carolartbeat). Her historical novel, The Eagle and the Swan, is available on amazon.com at the kindle store, from the book website, and for the iPad at iBooks. (See http://www.theeagleandtheswan.com, where the first installment of an enhanced version of the eBook is viewable on the book website.) It can be downloaded for free and includes maps, timelines, images, and supplementary information. Also available in print from Echo Point Books.
Facebook page for Masterpieces of Art-Impressionism: A Legacy of Light